As the world transitions towards electric vehicles (EVs), parking garages face new safety challenges, especially with the increasing use of EV scooters and bikes. These developments necessitate advanced safety measures to address the unique risks associated with electric mobility.

Understanding EV Fire Risks and the Importance of Safety Measures

EV fires, although less common than traditional vehicle fires, present a complex challenge, particularly due to the nature of lithium-ion batteries. These batteries are prone to thermal runaway, a condition that can lead to overheating and potential combustion. High-capacity EVs, such as those made by Tesla, are at an even greater risk, posing significant threats in the confined spaces of parking garages. In 2021, the cost of insurance claims for EV fires in such settings averaged over $500,000, highlighting the severe financial implications of these incidents. Additionally, the presence of EV charging stations in garages introduces further risks, as malfunctioning equipment can lead to battery overcharging and subsequent fires.

Li-Fire’s Innovative Solution: Customized EV Fire Blankets

In response to these challenges, Li-Fire has developed a range of EV Fire Blankets, available in various sizes including 27×18, 21×21, and 24×18, tailored specifically for EVs, including scooters and bikes. These blankets are designed to efficiently contain and suppress fires, particularly those stemming from thermal runaway or electrical malfunctions, by suffocating the flames and preventing oxygen from fuelling the fire.

Addressing the Surge in EV Scooters and Bikes

The growing popularity of EV scooters and bikes has transformed urban transportation, necessitating dedicated parking solutions within garages. Like their larger counterparts, these compact EVs are equipped with lithium-ion batteries, carrying similar fire risks. Li-Fire has expanded its product line to include smaller-sized blankets, specifically 15×15 and 18×18, to cater to these vehicles. These blankets are crucial for swiftly containing fires, minimizing damage to property and ensuring the safety of other vehicles and infrastructure within the garage.

Li-Fire’s Commitment to Enhanced Safety

As the adoption of electric mobility continues to grow, it’s imperative to evolve our safety protocols to mitigate the associated risks. Li-Fire’s comprehensive selection of EV Fire Blankets represents a significant step forward in safeguarding parking garages against the threat of EV fires. We encourage garage owners to invest in these essential safety tools to protect their properties and the vehicles within, fostering a safer environment for the diverse array of electric vehicles on the road today.


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